Sunday, May 12, 2013

Why be creative?
Before I answer that, let's first take a look at the definition of the word create: 1. To bring into being. 2. To give rise to. Now, let's look at the definition of creative: 1. Inventive. 2. Imaginative.
I don't know about you, but those definitions seem incomplete. Perfect! In essence, they are not specific to any one set of ideals or guidelines. Again, perfect!
The one comment I hear the most after I tell people that I am an artist is; 'Oh, wow! I'm not that creative.'
And my answer to that is always, 'Yes, you are!'

So now let me answer the question, 'Why be creative?'
Because when we are creative, we bring into being something that stirs the emotions, thoughts, and consciousness of others. Because when we are creative, we give rise to hope, inspiration, and we give rise to humanity to want to be a better society, to live better and treat others with respect.
Above all, when we are creative, we acknowledge our inner longing to be free from the constricting force of the ego. Our ego is that part of us that tells us each and everyday that we must submit to an idealistic set of expectations of what life is and how we must continue with our mundane existence just so we can pay the bills. But more on the ego in a bit.
Being creative isn't about picking up a paint brush and painting the next masterpiece or playing an instrument and becoming the worlds next big music scene. It goes much deeper than that. Being creative is about opening ourselves to who we truly are in this life and living our life purpose. When we create, we don't stop and think about what is right or what is expected. Inside our creative bubble, we define what is beauty, what is inspirational, and what is truth. We create this way because when we are creative, we are experiencing ourselves from our heart and soul. When we are creative, we are exactly who we are supposed to be in this life.

Releasing your inner creativity.
A question I get asked a lot is, 'how do you know what to paint?' The answer to that is that I don't know until I sit down and look at a blank canvas. When I sit down at my easel, there is no one there to tell me what I should paint. No one except for me. The real me. The truthful me. The imaginative me. The me that is free from my ego.
Remember earlier when I was talking about the ego? That thing that makes us feel inadequate or a lost cause? Yep, that's the ego. Everyone has one and believe me when I tell you that there is no other force in this life that is more destructive than the ego. I think I will dedicate a future blog to the ego. But for now, for example, the ego is that lovely little voice that tells us why we can't quite our job that we hate so much. You know your job, the one where your boss is a jerk, your unappreciated, you get paid as one person but do the work of ten people. That job. The one you can't quite because you have a car payment, a house payment, and a child who wants to play every sport known to mankind. But secretly, you have a passion to become an interior decorator or the pies you make are so amazing that you could open your own pie shop. So what are you waiting for? Your ego to tell you it's impossible?
First of all, stop listening to your ego. And that is always easier said than done. Remember, everything comes in small steps. So this is your first step and I'll repeat it, stop listening to your ego.
Start listening to your heart. The bad news is that you can't kill the ego because it is a part of you and we need the ego to learn lessons (that's another blog for another day). The good news is that you don't have to be a prisoner to it. Instead, you can reduce the size of your ego from a watermelon to a grain of sand. It won't happen overnight but you can release your inner creativity!

So what is it that you love to do? Not sure? Then I highly suggest that you learn to meditate. And if you are one of those people who have a very busy schedule, then make yourself an appointment. Yes, you read that correctly; make yourself an appointment every morning, everyday, for 15 minutes. In the silence of meditation is where you will quiet the ego and connect to your heart, your soul, your higher self. It's in that connection where we learn what our true passion is, our creative side, our life purpose.
As you begin to realize your creative side, you will begin to see a happier and healthier you. Finding your creative side will help restore your faith in humanity. You will realize how you can be a part of the bigger picture, how you are a part of the bigger picture. You will realize how you can fulfill your own dreams and aspirations and how you can help others do the same.

Wrapping it up.
For a moment, let's go back to that definition of create: 1. To bring into being. 2. To give rise to.
How would you finish these two definitions? For me, I would finish them like this; to be creative is to bring into being who we truly are. Because when we are living our life purpose, we are creative. We can be nothing less because we can only be better today than we were the day before.
If each individual is creative, then everyone has something positive to give to this life. Imagine the wonderful things that would be left for future generations. The possibilities are endless. Therefore, the possibilities in being creative, are endless.
How are you going to be creative?

Love and light,

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